I'm really looking forward to our upcoming Women's bible study at Harvest. Soon, we will begin studying the life and ministry of Paul which will take us into early May. I remember when I first committed to doing an 8 month inductive bible study, I was really terrified that I'd never make it to the finish line. But, with God's help I was motivated to not give up and my journey bestowed treasures that are eternal.
As I was reading Acts 14:22, a terror arose inside of me, Lord will I make it to the finish line?
Paul had been going from city to city preaching the Good News of Jesus Christ. Along the way, he'd encountered unbelieving Jews who stirred up others poisoning their minds against Paul and the other brethren. There was a violent attempt to abuse and stone them so Paul fled to Lystra and Derbe which were cities in the surrounding region. Paul continued to preach the gospel even healing a man who had never walked. Paul's persecutors were relentless in trying to stop Paul from preaching the gospel. They again, persuaded the multitudes who then stoned Paul, dragging him outside of the city and left him for dead. However, when the disciples gathered around him, he rose and went into the city.
I'm encouraged every time I hear when the body of Christ, gathers around their brother praying for him, laying hands on him, asking God for strength and healing power. God answered, he arose and kept going.
The next day, Paul went into Derbe preaching the gospel and making many disciples. After he was done there, what he did next was amazing! Paul went back to the cities that threatened him, beat him, stoned him and left him for dead in order to strengthen the souls of the disciples and encourage them to continue in the faith. He told them, "We must through many tribulations enter the kingdom of God."
What???? It was at that point the terror arose in me. Oh Lord, I hate going through tribulation, can't I enter the kingdom of God without it? Granted, our tribulation is no where near the kind that Paul experienced, but if it were, would I be willing? Would I have gone back to the city where I was hated, beat, stoned and thrown out of their city left to die? What was Paul's motivation to endure such persecution (infliction of harm and suffering)?
Paul was willing to die for the sake of the gospel. He wanted others to know the truth and receive eternal life. His belief in Jesus, in Christ's death and resurrection, this power, this truth, compelled him to tell others. Paul's motivation was that Jesus lives and he was steadfast in this hope of eternal life. Paul's focus was not on himself, his suffering, or on his enemies but on Jesus. His motivation? It was God's power that motivated him to face his opponents, danger, difficulty and even death for Christ's sake. The truth of our glorious future with Christ will empower us and motivate us to endure any kind of trouble. It was God's power that kept him going.
2 Corinthians 4:7-11 tells us that even though Paul was wounded, bruised, beaten down and left for dead, he was not forsaken or destroyed. He got back up and kept doing what he was called to do. Paul relied on God's power, he knew it to be a treasure. It was only God's power that strengthened Paul, it was God who spared him and enabled him to continue to preach the gospel and testify of God's deliverance. Through much tribulation, Paul becomes a broken vessel, through which God's glory is manifested. Through much tribulation, we are brought to our knees, fully relying on God's power to endure.
So as tribulation arises I can have the confidence and be motivated by God's power to keep going and finish well. Jesus told Paul, "My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness." I know there is nothing in my own strength that can bring such endurance, devotion and motivation. Along this journey I will find myself crushed, broken hearted and beaten but I'm not destroyed and my God does not leave me or forsake me.
An Inside Look
1 year ago
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